REACH Minutes Archive
September 25, 2001
September 12, 2000
October 6, 2000
November 14, 2000
March 19, 2001
May 1, 2001
August 22, 2001
September 25, 2001
June 10, 2002
September 30, 2004
October 28, 2004
November 1, 2005
March 16, 2005

Steering Committee Minutes

Submitted by Mary Jo Davis

1. The Oct 16 meeting is now a Town Meeting about the recent terriort events. We will try to reschedule Barb Saxton for Feb. Everyone was urged attend the meeting on Oct 3 to put the new constructivist math (ie. Investigations) programs into perspective. Charles said he would send out another notice to parents further explaining the Oct 3 meeting and noting that it is free to those in the Saline School district.

2. Our proposed schedule of meetings is
Nov 13- Barb Cey on Saline Schools
Jan 22- try to get David Fiske/Duane Koppleman to talk about the district math curriculum
Feb- Barb Saxton do program planned for Oct 16
Mar- Literacy talk by Stephanie Harvey (this will be 4-5:30 as Ms. Harvey is not available in the evening.)
Apr- Summer activities panel

3. Carrie will talk to Dave Fiske about Jan program. Mary Jo will talk to Mr. Koppelman. Carrie will check with Barb Saxton about Feb date. Need to have a date decided before Nov 13 meeting so we can make a list of the year meeting dates. Mary Jo will make the list once dates are finalized. Carrie will cancel rooms for Oct 16 meeting.

4. We spent some time discussing Barb's new job duties and the impact on T&G programs. Katy and Shelley planned to talk to Barb about grant writing so they will bring up the issue of Barb needed an assistant. Marilyn will go also. We discussed whether the issue should be brought up at the district T&G meeting.

5. Our next steering committee meeting was set for Oct 24 at 7:30pm. Mary Jo will get the room (assume WM Media Center unless you hear otherwise).

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