REACH Minutes Archive
October 28, 2004
September 12, 2000
October 6, 2000
November 14, 2000
March 19, 2001
May 1, 2001
August 22, 2001
September 25, 2001
June 10, 2002
September 30, 2004
October 28, 2004
November 1, 2005
March 16, 2005

General Meeting Minutes
Submitted by Patti Tanner

This meeting was to discuss the absence of Barb Cey from the district from November 19, 2004 through March 14, 2005.  We handed out a process and procedures letter, about what to do if you need assistance with your child’s DEP during this time. 

Parents were also concerned about the status of Barb’s Instruction Services position for the 2005 – 2006 school year.  We would obviously like to see this return to a full time position.  There are a few things that we can do individually and as a group to let the central administration (Sam Sinicropi, Terry Walters, and the School Board) know about this.


1.  Please write letters or email about problems that have arisen because Barb was not in her position until September 20th of this year.  For example, if the teacher did not know about your child’s DEP and differentiated lessons were begun as soon as they could have been.


2.  Please address the good things that happened because Barb was there to see the transition between buildings.   If her job is left to principals in the future, there will no longer be continuity as children move from 4th to 5th grade or 6th to 7th.    


3.  If your child was one of fortunate ones who had Barb as a teacher during the last school year, please let administration know how beneficial this was and how now that is not possible, because there is no time for Barb to do that with her part time schedule.


4.  If everything has been perfect for your child this year, please let administration know this as well; it turned out that way because of Barb’s hard work in placing your child, talking with the teacher beforehand, and the previous training that she has done with the teachers to help them better able to differentiate for your child in the classroom.


As always please write your letters in the most constructive, least aggressive manner possible.  We want to work with the administrators to return Barb Cey to her full time position; we do not want to be seen as confrontational and difficult with which to work.


When writing letters, you can send a copy to Sam Sinicropi, Terry Walters, your building principal and members of the Board of Education.  All of their email addresses are on the website, or you can send real paper letters to Union School, 200 N. Ann Arbor St.


Please save a copy of every email or hard copy letter you write and either send them to me or save them for our next meeting in March.  At that time we will plan how we want to tackle the issue of a full time Instruction Services Coordinator, and will need all the documentation available.

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