REACH Minutes Archive
June 10, 2002
September 12, 2000
October 6, 2000
November 14, 2000
March 19, 2001
May 1, 2001
August 22, 2001
September 25, 2001
June 10, 2002
September 30, 2004
October 28, 2004
November 1, 2005
March 16, 2005

Steering Committee Minutes

Submitted by Mary Jo Davis

1. Our newest member is Patti Tanner.  Patti has graciously taken on the job of assistant facilitator.
2.  Everyone wants to do the same jobs as last year, so that will stay the same.  We noticed that all school were represented except Pleasant Ridge.  Patti has a neighbor (Tina Griffith) who she said is interested in joining the steering committee and who has children at PR. 
3.  We decided to do meetings as follows:
October- meeting with Barb Saxton speaking on staffing
Novemeber- Barb Cey talking about status of things here in Saline
Dec- no meeting
Jan/Feb meeting- topic Twice Exceptional (gifted and Learning or otherwise disabled)
Mar/April- Summer opportunites and speaker on how hard do we push children to become involved in various activities
4.  We spoke about the new CoRE parent group.  Katy is going to contact them to see if our steering committees can meet sometime in September to see how we can work together.
5.  Barb Cey's office is moving to Union school sometime this summer.  She is looking for adults to become Math Mentors for 4th graders.  A mentor would work with a group of students twice a week.
6.  We also discussed the need for a Parent Information night on the new K-6 (new to K-4) Everyday Math curriculum.  Barb Cey thought maybe REACH could help sponsor this night.
7.  Destination Imagination will have to do some fundraising next year as the district is not going to match the state T&G funds 100% as they have done in the past (this year it will be the minimum 50%).  Barb felt that DI would be the only big program affected at this point.
8.  We need to keep supporting WC-AGE- the Wastenaw County Alliance for Gifted Education.  They are our link to the Michigan Alliance for Gifted Education.  Dues are only $25 and if you paid last year they are extending membership for another year.  If you did not pay, please send your name, address, phone number, email and a check for $25 made out to WCAGE to Marilyn Geiger,  2680 Brassow Road,  Saline Mi 48176.  Katy Blackhall volunteered to attend the August meeting that WCAGE is having to brainstorm ideas for their group for next year.
9.  Carrie is working on dates for the fall meetings.

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