REACH Minutes Archive
August 22, 2001
September 12, 2000
October 6, 2000
November 14, 2000
March 19, 2001
May 1, 2001
August 22, 2001
September 25, 2001
June 10, 2002
September 30, 2004
October 28, 2004
November 1, 2005
March 16, 2005

Steering Committee Minutes

Submitted by Mary Jo Davis

Present: Carrie Berkley, Katy Blackhall, Joy Burns, Marilyn Chong, Barb Cey, Mary Jo Davis. New members: Charles Antonelli and Shelley Larson
Absent: Lisa Morrow

1. After introductions we started discussing the upcoming school year meetings and programs. On Oct. 16, Barb Saxton will be speaking to a parents on Everything you wanted to know about teachers but were afraid to ask. This event is being advertised as Parents Night Out with sponsorship from our group, Parents who Care and all the elementary PTA/PTOs. Houghton, Woodland Meadows, Pleasant Ridge and Heritage PTO/PTAs will all hold business meetings from 6:15-7:00 and then Barb will speak at 7:00. This event will be held in the Middle School Cafeteria. On November 13, Barb Cey will speak about the status of the Saline School District similar to what she did last year. Her talk will be at 7:00 pm in the Heritage Media Center. Currently we have Jan 22 reserved for a meeting but no speaker. Barb and Carrie will be trying to locate a speaker on motivation and/or brain research. If the 22nd date doesnt work for the speaker, they will try to schedule for sometime in late Jan, early Feb. They will try to have the speaker confirmed before October 10 so that we can include the program information in a list of meetings to be passed out at the Oct. 16 event. We decided to cancel the February meeting as there was no school that day. On Mar 12, Barb Cey has arranged for nationally know speaker Stephanie Harvey to talk on literacy. Our last meeting will be April 23, 7:00 pm in the Woodland Meadows Media Center where we will again have a panel discussion on Summer Opportunities. Carrie will try to track down one or two speakers to discuss their summer programs (Maybe the Livingston-Washtenaw Math Science Consortium?)

2. We next discussed Job Positions within the steering committee. Here are the positions everyone volunteered for, with a brief description of each job. The descriptions are just my interpretation and can be easily changed!
Facilitator: Mary Jo Davis . This person runs the meetings and generally organizes the group.
Webmaster: Joy Burns. This person updates and maintains the REACH website.
Publicity: Marilyn Chong. This person is responsible for getting information about meetings to school newsletters, the Saline Reporter, the Ann Arbor News and possibly posting flyers at the schools just prior to meetings.
Newsletter: Shelley Larson. This person will put together a quarterly newsletter with articles from steering committee member and possibly other sources.
Programs: Barb Cey and Carrie Berkley This team is responsible for locating speakers for our meetings and arranging for the room in which to have the meeting.
Communications: Charles Antonelli. A new position this year, this person will be responsible for maintaining the email notification loop and sending messages as needed to all members.
Grants: Katy Blackhall and Shelley Larson Another new position, this team will be assisting Barb Cey with grant writing for upcoming programs. Also they may work on a grant to get more books into the library about T&G kids/parenting.

3. We discussed other possible projects for the group. Barb Cey mentioned updating the list of extracurricular activities that was compiled by the PALS group 2 years ago. Katy Blackhall said she would work on that project, with help. We will try to recruit a committee for her at the first few meetings of the year and within the email loop. Therefore, Katy is now the Activities Directory Contact. We would also like to get another Book Group going this year. We need someone to step forward to be Book Group Coordinator. This person would select a book, find a meeting place and either facilitate the group or locate someone else to facilitate. As of now, Barb Cey did not know to what extent help from parents would be needed in classrooms to assist DEP students and others. It would be helpful to have someone identified as Parent Assistance Coordinator whose job it would be to work with Barb on recruiting parents as needed to work in the schools. Two additional positons we should fill would be WCAGE/MAGE liaison and Saline Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee liaison. These people would be responsible to report to REACH about their respective group acitivities. They might write articles for the newsletter or an email to go out to the REACH membership.

4. For those new people we discussed WCAGE and MAGE. The Washtenaw County Alliance for Gifted Education was started many years ago before parent support groups existed in any districts. It is barely existing today, with only a president and treasurer. They are parents link to MAGE, Michigan Alliance for Gifted Education. If you pay dues to WCAGE, you automatically are a member of MAGE. You get great information and opportunites for meetings, programs and scholarships through these organizations. Dues are $25 to join WCAGE. I (Mary Jo) spoke about the wonderful Michigan Mentorship program that WCAGE sponsors. My daughter Joanna got to shadow a U of M graduate student of Biomedical Engineeering this summer through the program. To join WCAGE please send a check for $25 made out to WC-AGE to Marilyn Geiger, 2680 Brassow Drive, Saline, MI 48176. Include your name, address, phone and email address.

5. Barb Cey had proposed that our group be a parent subcommittee of the district Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee. We all agreed that it would be a good way to continue our good working relationship with the district. Our handouts can then be copied within the T&G budget and will be more available at the school buildings. The Talented and Gifted Advisory committee will be meeting on Oct 11, Jan 17, Mar 21 and May 9 from 4-5pm in Union School. Marilyn, Shelley, Carrie and Mary Jo are on the committee. The main goal will be to review the work done by last years review subcommittee looking at the National Standards for gifted education and comparing them to what we do in Saline. An action plan based on the review will then be developed. Additionally Barb mentioned that the district as a whole has Differentiation of curriculum as one of four main parts of its mission for the 2001-2002 school year.

6. Mary Jo asked everyone to consider being a building contact person for other parents with questions. The following people volunteered:

Houghton: Charles Antonelli, Joy Burns
Pleasant Ridge: Open
Woodland Meadows: Marilyn Chong, Shelley Larson
Heritage: Mary Jo Davis
Middle School: Mary Jo Davis
High School: Katy Blackhall

7. Our next Steering Committee Meeting will be Tuesday September 25 at 7pm, place TBD (the library rooms were booked). New members are welcome (we need some other people for all these open postions!) Please consider asking someone you know to attend. Also think about whether we would like to find someone to be a Legislative Contact to keep the group abreast of all the legislation at state and federal levels for Gifted Education.

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