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Parents helping students REACH their academic potential!


REACH is a support group for parents of children in the Saline Area School District who are searching for a way to obtain the best education and social experience for their child who has exceptional creative or artistic talents, or strong academic, intellectual, or leadership ability.

How Is REACH Organized?

A steering committee is the driving force behind REACH. The committee meets every couple of months to plan programs and make decisions concerning the direction of the group. The committee consists of volunteer parents and any parent is welcome to join this committee and participate in the formation and direction of REACH.  There are no membership fees for REACH.

What Are Our Current Goals?

1. To provide resources to parents.

2. To support teachers, administrators, the Director of Student Services, and the Executive Director of Instruction in their job of providing differentiated learning for academically talented students in their classrooms.

3. To support the ongoing efforts of the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee of the Saline Area School District.

Who Should Come To REACH Meetings?

The main purpose of REACH is to provide a network for parents of children who are capable of working above grade level academically, show strong creative, artistic, or leadership potential or ability, think "differently", or process information at a rapid rate. Other terms often used for these children are "gifted and talented", "able learners", "high ability", or "high end". However, our group does not emphasize labeling children.

Any parent who has a child who is (or could be) performing at an academic level above grade level would benefit from attending the REACH general meetings. However, you do not have to have an identified "gifted" child to attend. Our goal is to provide parents with information on how to help all children grow to their fullest potential and to support the Saline Schools in providing the best education possible.

What Else Can I Do To Help My Child?

WC-AGE (Washtenaw County Alliance for Gifted Education) is a group formed to support the teachers and parents of gifted children within Washtenaw County.  In the past, they relied on district and county funds to present nationally known speakers on a variety of topics relating to gifted, talented and creative children.  However, the State of Michigan has cut all funding for Gifted and Talented Education for the 2005-2006 school year.  In order for WC-AGE to continue these programs, they must now rely on membership dues to pay for these speakers as well as assure the continuation of Michigan Mentorships, an exciting program for high school students in association with graduate students at the University of Michigan.


Any parent, teacher or student with an interest in gifted education is invited to join WC-AGE.  Membership dues for the 2005-2006 school year are $40 per family and membership fees are 100% tax deductible.  As a member of WC-AGE you will be notified of all local events related to gifted and talented education.  For programs when a fee is charged, you will be charged a discounted fee as a 2005-2006 member.  You will also be invited periodically to participate in survey and discussions related to gifted education.  You will receive a compilation of the numerous summer opportunities available in the Washtenaw County area for children of all ages.  As a member of WC-AGE you will also receive information on the Midwest Talent Search and the opportunities afforded through that program.


To join,  mail a check (made payable to WC-AGE) with your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address to:

Marilyn Geiger, WC-AGE,

2680 Brassow Drive,

Saline, MI 48176.  

To be added to our email list to receive our newsletter and meeting notifications, follow the instructions below:

Send a message to majordomo@citi.umich.edu, and put the words "subscribe reach" (without the quotes) in the body of the message.  You will get a confirmation message to which you should reply (instructions will be in the confirmation message), after which you will get a welcome message announcing that you've been added to the REACH mailing list.  To unsubscribe,  send the words "unsubscribe reach" as stated above.